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Composting Basics Workshop
In this fun two hour hands on workshop you will learn:
About all things compost!
What is it?
Why is it important?
How do we know what to put in it?
What are the different ways we can compost?
How to create a compost pile!
How do you build a hot pile vs a cold pile?
What to look for to determine the health of your pile.
How do we turn compost?
How long does it need to decompose?
This workshop takes place right up in The Forest Garden.
During this workshop we will be getting our hands dirty pulling apart a compost pile I've already got going to look for signs of health! We'll be learning about layering and turning, temperature, shade, and water and how all these things facilitate a healthy compost pile!
This hands on workshop will be a deep dive into all things healthy compost. If you're wanting to improve your garden this year and make your own black gold, this is a workshop you don't want to miss.
Registration Info
Claire offers gardening workshops at a sliding scale because everyone deserves to know how to grow their own food, and Claire loves to teach! As with all things in the world, these workshops are not free to run so Claire appreciates you choosing a comfortable amount within her sliding scale of $15-$50 to help in the cost of putting on these workshops.
Thank you so much in advance for supporting these important
learning events!
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